Appreciation, Apology, Aha | Facing History & Ourselves
Student writes in a classroom

Appreciation, Apology, Aha

Students reflect on the day by asking them to share an appreciation, an apology, and an “aha” moment.


  • Advisory
  • Civics & Citizenship
  • English & Language Arts
  • History
  • Social Studies




English — US




About This Activity

This routine helps students nurture their classroom community by sharing appreciation for their peers, apologies when they may have hurt others’ feelings, and “aha” moments they experienced in understanding themselves, the class, or the world. 1

Preparing to Teach

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Steps for Implementation

Sit in a circle and give students a minute to reflect on the day’s lesson. Ask students to prepare to share an appreciation, an apology, or an aha moment with the group. Model by starting with your own reflection first, and then use the Wraparound strategy so each student has an opportunity to share their thoughts with the class.


Ask students to reflect on the lesson and prepare to share an appreciation, an apology, or an aha moment. Debrief by calling on each student to unmute and share their reflection. Alternatively, students can respond in the chat or on an “Appreciation, Apology, Aha” Padlet or Flipgrid. Regardless of the format, it is important that you start by modeling with your own response first.

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The resources I’m getting from my colleagues through Facing History have been just invaluable.
— Claudia Bautista, Santa Monica, Calif