Common Core Writing Prompts and Strategies: Holocaust and Human Behavior | Facing History & Ourselves

Common Core Writing Prompts and Strategies: Holocaust and Human Behavior

This resource provides writing prompts and strategies that align Holocaust and Human Behavior with the expectations of the Common Core State Standards.


  • English & Language Arts
  • History


English — US


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Common Core Writing Prompts and Strategies: Holocaust and Human Behavior

ISBN: 978-1-940457-21-5
Date of Publication: December 2017


Format: Print Book
Cost: $14.34

This book is available for purchase from most places you buy books, including major retailers and independent bookstores.

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Common Core Writing Prompts and Strategies Links

Find all of the readings, videos, and online tools referenced in our three Common Core Writing Prompts and Strategies supplements.

The specific writing prompts and teaching strategies in this guide ask students to use evidence as they craft a formal argumentative essay. This guide also features effective writing strategies for general use in the social studies or English classroom.

Holocaust and Human Behavior uses our unique methodology to lead students through an examination of the history of the Holocaust, while fostering their skills in ethical reasoning, critical thinking, empathy, and civic engagement. We released a new edition of Holocaust and Human Behavior in 2017 and this Common Core supplement has been updated to align with it.


Resources from Other Organizations

The resources below provide additional guidance for addressing this topic in the classroom.

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The resources I’m getting from my colleagues through Facing History have been just invaluable.
— Claudia Bautista, Santa Monica, Calif