Text-to-Text, Text-to-Self, Text-to-World Handout | Facing History & Ourselves

Text-to-Text, Text-to-Self, Text-to-World

Use this handout to help your students make text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world connections.


  • English & Language Arts


English — US

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Text-to-Text, Text-to-Self, Text-to-World Handout

Date of Publication: June 2022

Text-to-Text, Text-to-Self, Text-to-World Printable PDF

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Text-to-Text, Text-to-Self, Text-to-World Google Doc

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This Text-to-Text, Text-to-Self, Text-to-World handout helps students develop connections between a text and their own lives, current events, and history. It is available as a PDF and a Google Doc. Learn more about this strategy.

Directions: Use the copy of the text provided by your teacher to make any notes. Read the text once, and then read it again to find ideas that you can use to answer the following questions.

  1. Text-to-Text: How do the ideas in this text remind you of another text (story, book, movie, song, etc)? Complete one of the following statements:

    What I just read reminds me of . . . (story/book/movie/song) because . . . 

    The ideas in this text are similar to the ideas in . . .  because . . .

    The ideas in this text are different than the ideas in. . . because . . .
  2. Text-to-Self: How do the ideas in this text relate to your own life, ideas, and experiences? Complete one of the following statements:

    What I just read reminds me of the time when I . . . 

    I agree with/understand what I just read because in my own life . . . 

    I don’t agree with what I just read because in my own life . . .
  3. Text-to-World: How do the ideas in this text reading relate to the larger world—past, present and future. Complete one of the following statements:

    What I just read makes me think about. . . (event from the past) because . . .

    What I just read makes me think about. . . (event from today related to my own community, nation or world) because. . .

    What I just read makes me wonder about the future because . . . 


How to Cite This Handout

Facing History & Ourselves, “Text-to-Text, Text-to-Self, Text-to-World”, last updated March 15, 2021.

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