Teaching Mockingbird Media and Readings | Facing History & Ourselves
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Teaching Mockingbird Media and Readings

Enrich your teaching of To Kill a Mockingbird with this set of videos, photographs, and readings that will help students contextualize the novel.


  • English & Language Arts




English — US



About This Collection

These materials were selected to help readers contextualize the setting and understand the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird. There are videos on themes ranging from growing up in the south during the Jim Crow-era, to the history of lynching in the United States, to the role of stereotypes and bias in our culture, and on Scout's character. You can also find photos, art, and audio interviews here to help stimulate discussion and understanding of the many themes of the novel that continue to resonate today.

This collection explores issues of race, class, identity, and moral responsibility in To Kill a Mockingbird and Go Set a Watchman. It includes:

  • 9 videos 
  • 8 images
  • 3 audio interviews
  • 17 readings

Preparing to Teach

A Note to Teachers

Before using the resources in this collection, review our principles for educators located in the Preparing to Teach section of the main Teaching Mockingbird collection. These principles are designed to help teachers engage with the complexity of the novel and guide students through a sensitive and critical reading that encompasses the novel, the world of the novel, the world of Harper Lee, and our world today.

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— Claudia Bautista, Santa Monica, Calif