Read the Word, Read the World
- English & Language Arts
English — USPublished
About This Learning Experience
Literary analysis provides exciting opportunities to engage students in learning experiences that can shape their sense of who they are in the world. Through their close reading and conversations about the books they read, students can deepen their understanding of character, conflict, and theme and consider the ways in which the ideas explored in the text apply to their own lives. When teachers model their own meaning-making processes using strategies like Think Aloud and share the invisible moves they are making to deepen their understanding of a text, students can develop the skills and agency for literary analysis.
The following learning experiences provide a framework for close reading and analysis of key literary elements with the goal of helping students explore the text’s central message and consider the ways in which it may or may not be of use in making sense of their own experiences and happenings in the world today.
Preparing to Teach
A Note to Teachers
Before using this learning experience, please review the following information to help guide your preparation process.
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