Killed as a Fighter, Not Because I Am a Jew | Facing History & Ourselves

Killed as a Fighter, Not Because I Am a Jew

Former Jewish partisan Sonia Orbuch describes how she approached the dangers of life as a partisan.

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  • History


English — US


Killed as a Fighter, Not Because I Am a Jew

From all sides, there was shooting. I didn't even bend down my head. I wasn't worried that I was, again, going to get killed. And if I was going to get killed, I was going to get killed as a fighter, not because I'm a Jew. So that itself gave us strength to go on. This was the mentality of people who went through all these atrocities in the ghettos. So this is the way we crossed railroads at middle of the night, and the railroads were watched. And we try to avoid it, but it wasn't possible.

Killed as a Fighter, Not Because I Am a Jew

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