The Holocaust and Jewish Communities in Wartime North Africa
Three or more 50-min class periodsSubject
- History
- Social Studies
English — USPublished
About This Mini-Lesson
The intersecting histories of the Holocaust and wartime North Africa illuminate complex ways in which colonialism and fascism impacted Jewish communities across Morocco, Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia. These lessons bring in voices that are often left out of Holocaust and WWII curricula, opening an opportunity for students to gain a more complete understanding of the range of experiences, choices, and impacts associated with this period in history.
The first lesson is designed to deepen awareness and understanding of pre-war Jewish life. Photographs and other primary source documents point to the diversity of Judaism in North Africa and the relationships between Jewish and non-Jewish communities.
The second and third lessons delve into the antisemitic laws and actions perpetrated by colonial powers in North Africa and by the Nazis directly. Sources highlight a range of choices in the face of oppression at the individual and communal levels.
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