Community Matters: A Facing History & Ourselves Approach to Advisory | Facing History & Ourselves

Community Matters: A Facing History & Ourselves Approach to Advisory

Our advisory curriculum contains a year’s worth of activities, student handouts, and best practices to help you build student-centered spaces where honest questioning, discussion, and social and academic growth can occur.


  • Advisory


English — US


Community Matters: A Facing History & Ourselves Approach to Advisory Cover
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Community Matters: A Facing History & Ourselves Approach to Advisory

ISBN: 9781940457444
Date of Publication: December 2019


Format: Print Book
Cost: $11.95

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Media and Strategies for Community Matters

This collection contains all of the digital resources referenced throughout Community Matters: A Facing History & Ourselves Approach to Advisory.

This year-long advisory curriculum for grades 8–10 is designed to help you build student-centered spaces where honest questioning, discussion, and social and academic growth can occur. It contains over 60 activities, 50 student handouts, and best practices for establishing an inclusive and welcoming advisory.

Built on a foundation of social-emotional learning, this curriculum supports and challenges young people who are beginning to see themselves as unique individuals with a desire to belong.

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