Standing Up to Hatred and Intolerance
Three or more 50-min class periodsSubject
- Civics & Citizenship
- Social Studies
English — USPublished
About this Mini-Unit
This collection provides structured activities for making connections to current events and discussing sensitive topics in a safe and reflective classroom. The lessons examine examples of division and intolerance, as well as powerful cases of individuals and communities working together and standing up to hate. Use this collection to help your students:
- Recognize and discuss both explicit and implicit manifestations of antisemitism, racism, and xenophobia
- Improve their critical thinking and news literacy skills
- Develop empathy and a sense of civic responsibility
- Identify concrete ways that young people can participate in nurturing a civil society and a stronger democracy
These resources can be used together or separately, depending on your students’ need and class time. Whether you choose to teach one lesson or all three, it is important to use these resources within a classroom context that fosters civil discourse and student reflection.
Lesson Plans
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