Sacred Texts, Modern Questions | Facing History & Ourselves

Sacred Texts, Modern Questions

Designed for educators in Jewish settings, this resource connects biblical, rabbinic, and contemporary Jewish sources to moral questions of today.


  • Social Studies


English — US


Sacred Texts, Modern Questions
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Sacred Texts, Modern Questions

ISBN: 978-0-9837870-6-8
Date of Publication: December 2012


Format: Print Book
Cost: $17.95

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Sacred Texts, Modern Questions: Connecting Ethics and History Through a Jewish Lens is a resource designed specifically for educators teaching in Jewish settings. This five-unit collection of lessons explores sacred texts of the past and the questions that shape our present. It makes connections between instances of moral courage in Pharaoh's Egypt, struggles of conscience and faith in Hitler's Europe, and readings from today's influential thinkers. Our goal is to integrate original Facing History resources with biblical, rabbinic, and contemporary Jewish sources.

With more than 30 readings, pages of full-color artwork, and a variety of classroom strategies, activities, and questions, Sacred Texts provides opportunities for teachers of both Judaic and general studies to integrate learning and encourages interdisciplinary conversations.

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— Claudia Bautista, Santa Monica, Calif