Summative Performance Task & Taking Informed Action
Students culminate their arc of inquiry into the Angel Island Immigration Station by completing a C3-aligned Summative Performance Task and Taking Informed Action.
One 50-min class periodSubject
- History
- Social Studies
English — USPublished
About This Assessment
This inquiry includes two types of culminating activities: a Summative Performance Task and Taking Informed Action. The Summative Performance Task asks students to answer the compelling question in a format of their choice. Taking Informed Action invites students to civically engage with the content through three exercises: 1) UNDERSTAND, 2) ASSESS, and 3) ACT.
Preparing to Teach
A Note to Teachers
Before teaching this assessment, please review the following information to help guide your preparation process.
Summative Performance Task
Taking Informed Action
Materials and Downloads
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The Summative Performance Task and Taking Informed Action instructions are also available in PDF and Google Doc format.
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