Strategies for Parents & Teens: Current Events | Facing History & Ourselves

Strategies for Parents & Teens: Current Events

Explore strategies for reflection, discussion, and more to engage with your children and help them process current events.


  • Advisory


English — US


Current Events cover with mom and son
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Strategies for Parents & Teens: Current Events

Date of Publication: August 2023

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Between traditional media and ever-growing online sources, the constant stream of news and information has never been more accessible for adults and children alike. Though safeguards can be implemented to shield young people from especially troubling content, it is inevitable that they will come across disturbing or upsetting news and other content that they may need support to process and understand.

To help parents navigate conversations around current events, Facing History & Ourselves and Harvard University’s Making Caring Common Project have partnered with The Choose Kindness Project to create this resource. In this guide, parents of middle and high school students will find strategies for reflection, discussion, and more to engage with their children and help them process current events.

How to Cite This Guide

Facing History & Ourselves, “Strategies for Parents & Teens: Current Events”, last updated September 12, 2023.

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