Getting to Know the 10 Questions
One 50-min class periodSubject
- Civics & Citizenship
- History
- Social Studies
English — USPublished
About This Lesson
Conventional approaches to teaching civics and democratic participation often begin with topics such as the branches of government or the lawmaking process. This approach is distant from the lives and experiences of young people, and it can fail to engage students. That’s why the 10 Questions Framework begins with a student-centered question: “What do you care about, and why does it matter to you?” This is designed to spark students' interest and help them think about civic engagement in terms of their own identities and passions. This lesson asks students to respond to that question, and then it introduces them to the framework as a whole.
Preparing to Teach
A Note to Teachers
Before you teach this lesson, please review the following guidance to tailor this lesson to your students’ contexts and needs.
Lesson Plans
Extension Activities
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