Territorial Changes of the Ottoman Empire 1817 - 1913 | Facing History & Ourselves

Territorial Changes of the Ottoman Empire 1817 - 1913

View a series of maps highlighting changes to the Ottoman Empire in green.


  • History


English — US


Territorial Changes of the Ottoman Empire 1817 - 1913

View a series of maps highlighting changes to the Ottoman Empire in green.

Territorial Changes of the Ottoman Empire in 1817

Map of the Ottoman Empire Territory in 1817

Territorial Changes of the Ottoman Empire in 1829

Map of the Ottoman Empire Territory in 1829

Territorial Changes of the Ottoman Empire in 1830

Map of the Ottoman Empire Territory in 1830

Territorial Changes of the Ottoman Empire in 1862

Map of the Ottoman Empire Territory in 1862

Territorial Changes of the Ottoman Empire in 1878

Map of the Ottoman Empire territory in 1878

Territorial Changes of the Ottoman Empire in 1881

Map of the Ottoman Empire territory in 1881

Territorial Changes of the Ottoman Empire in 1882

Map of the Ottoman Empire territory in 1882

Territorial Changes of the Ottoman Empire in 1912

Map of the Ottoman Empire territory in 1912

Esemono / Wikimedia Commons

Territorial Changes of the Ottoman Empire in 1913

Map of the Ottoman Empire Territory in 1913

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