Sorting through the swaths of professional development options aimed at educators can be overwhelming, and we know how busy teachers are. So we’ve curated this list of hidden gems from our expansive library of on-demand webinars for teachers that you can explore at your own pace.
These webinars and workshops are packed with insights from leading scholars, proven teaching strategies, guidance on navigating tricky topics in the classroom, and opportunities to grow as both a teacher and a human being.
Student Engagement and Classroom Community
Effective Teaching Strategies
Three experienced teachers share their go-to teaching strategies, reflect on classroom successes, and discuss how they’ve addressed learning challenges. You’ll come away from this super-practical webinar with proven teaching strategies and instructional resources that you can implement with students right away.
Combating Bias & Isolation in Adolescence: Strategies for Teachers and Families
Liz Kleinrock provides a framework that both caregivers and teachers can use to combat bullying and bias and have supportive conversations about identity with young people.
Teaching for Equity and Justice: A Conversation with Linda Darling-Hammond
This conversation with author and Stanford professor Linda Darling-Hammond explores the historical roots of current educational inequities. As we look to address these inequities, Darling-Hammond points to the role of professional and personal learning opportunities for educators and the importance of integrating social-emotional learning and civic education to empower all students.
Exploring Literature and Identity
Exploring Borders and Belonging in Young Adult Literature
This webinar delves into the ways literature can help young people explore who they are and where they belong. Presenters Malaka Gharib and Randy Ribay also consider the power that reading has to foster greater understanding of, and appreciation for, those with experiences different than your own.
Culturally Responsive Texts with Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul
In this rich conversation, Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul discusses the essential role of culturally responsive texts in ELA classrooms. Dr. Cherry-Paul breaks down how to apply the principles of anti-racism to text selection and addresses current social and political challenges that can lead to book banning and other restrictions.
Coming of Age: Student Perspectives on Reading, Writing, and Finding Their Voice
Katherine Schulten of The New York Times Learning Network and a panel of students explore questions about identity and belonging, discuss the power of storytelling during the process of coming of age, and share practical resources for elevating student voices in the classroom.
Understanding and Teaching History
Unsung Women of the Civil Rights Movement
This webinar invites you to reflect on the impact of Ella Baker, Fannie Lou Hamer, Constance Baker Motley, and other women whose contributions to the Civil Rights Movement have not always been recognized. You’ll also come away with resources and teaching strategies you can use to help your students examine key moments in the Civil Rights Movement.
Legacies of the Reconstruction Era
Dr. Hasan Kwame Jeffries discusses the Reconstruction Era's impact on democracy and human rights in the US, inviting you to examine this legacy with your students. Dr. Jeffries is a history professor at Ohio State University with expertise in African American history.
Teaching the US Founding: An Inquiry-Based Approach
This webinar walks through Facing History’s C3-aligned, inquiry-based approach to teaching the US founding. Expand the voices from early US history that shape your students’ understanding of the founding era with a wide array of primary source material and a C3-aligned approach. In the process, you’ll help students recognize the power of their own civic choices.
Teaching the Rise of the Nazis Through Images
Explore how historical images can be used to support students' understanding of the Nazi party’s rise to power.
Civics and Current Events
Civic Engagement in a Digital Age with Henry Jenkins
Media scholar Henry Jenkins discusses the relationship between technology, learning, and civic engagement. Jenkins is a professor of communication, journalism, cinematic arts, and education at the University of Southern California. He is known for his research on participatory culture. This conversation examines how young people interact with technology, how they choose to participate in a digital age, and how teachers can help them participate in thoughtful and responsible ways.
Current Events in Your Classroom: Fostering Dialogue in Divisive Times
Get a 30-minute introduction to integrating current events into classroom discussions thoughtfully, fostering critical thinking and civic agency among students. You’ll learn about an array of strategies and resources to help you build your students’ capacities for critical thinking, emotional engagement, ethical reflection, and civic agency through current events.