Roman Vishniac Gallery Walk | Facing History & Ourselves

Roman Vishniac Gallery Walk

The images in this gallery are taken by Roman Vishniac during the Holocaust and are used for a Gallery Walk teaching strategy. 


  • History


English — US


Roman Vishniac Gallery Walk

The images in this gallery are taken by Roman Vishniac during the Holocaust and are used for a Gallery Walk teaching strategy. 

Photograph of Jewish Schoolchildren by Roman Vishniac

Jewish schoolchildren, ca. 1935–1938.Vishniac took this photograph during a visit to a Jewish education center in Mukačevo in southwest Ukraine. Mukačevo, like many other towns in the former Pale of Settlement, had a large Jewish population; in many of these towns, Jews constituted the majority.

Photographer: Roman Vishniac. Credit: Mara Vishniac Kohn

Photograph of a Girl by Roman Vishniac

Sara, sitting in bed in a basement dwelling, with stenciled flowers above her head, Warsaw, ca. 1935–1938. One of Vishniac’s best-known photographs, this image was printed on charity tins and circulated throughout France to collect donations. Some of Vishniac’s famous images were staged to evoke sympathy.

Photographer: Roman Vishniac. Credit: Mara Vishniac Kohn

Photograph of a Jewish Man by Roman Vishniac

A photograph by Roman Vishniac (1897–1990), ca. 1935–1938. This and similar photographs taken by Vishniac are among the few visual testimonies to the life of Jews in eastern Europe during this period. The vast majority of the millions of Jews who lived in eastern Europe perished during the Holocaust.

Mara Vishniac Kohn

Photograph of a Jewish Housewife by Roman Vishniac

A housewife, ca. 1935–1938. Vishniac’s images, while profound and moving, offer only a limited portrayal of the Jewish population in pre-World War II Europe. They helped to shape images of eastern European Jews as poor and traditional.

Photographer: Roman Vishniac. Credit: Mara Vishniac Kohn

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Using the strategies from Facing History is almost like an awakening.
— Claudia Bautista, Santa Monica, Calif