Resource Library
Find compelling classroom resources, learn new teaching methods, meet standards, and make a difference in the lives of your students.
We are grateful to The Hammer Family Foundation for supporting the development of our on-demand learning and teaching resources.
Introducing Our US History Curriculum Collection
Draw from this flexible curriculum collection as you plan any middle or high school US history course. Featuring units, C3-style inquiries, and case studies, the collection will help you explore themes of democracy and freedom with your students throughout the year.
88 Results
Teaching Strategy
K-W-L Charts
Use K-W-L charts to help students assess what they already know about a topic and what they want to learn.
Tableaux SVA
Aidez les élèves à évaluer ce qu’ils savent déjà sur un sujet et ce qu’ils veulent apprendre.
Learning to Infer
Educators will Introduce students to the concept of inferencing and then help them develop their inferencing skills.
Document Analysis Form
Use a graphic organizer to help students analyze a historical document and determine its perspective or bias.
Evidence Logs
Use a graphic tool to help students centralize and organize evidence as they prepare to respond to a writing prompt.
Exit Tickets
Use exit tickets to assess students’ understanding, monitor their questions, or gather feedback on your teaching.
Human Timeline
Use this interactive timeline activity to help students understand and remember the chronology of events.
Use the Fishbowl discussion strategy to help students practice being contributors and listeners in a group conversation.
Le bocal
Utiliser cette stratégie de discussion pour aider les élèves à mieux contribuer à la conversation dans un groupe et leur apprendre à écouter.
Introducing a New Book
Spark students’ interest in a book before reading it by having them make predictions and ask questions about its contents.