First Hand Accounts of the Great Depression | Facing History & Ourselves

First Hand Accounts of the Great Depression

Resources 3
Last Modified April 8, 2021

Studs Terkel Interview with Emma Tiller

Studs Terkel interviews Emma Tiller, a cook who describes how African Americans would feed people who were in need during the Great Depression, without any regard to their skin color.

Mockingbird Graphic.

Studs Terkel Interview with Virginia Foster Durr

In an interview with Studs Terkel, Virginia Foster Durr, a prominent American civil rights activist, reflects on life during the Great Depression, particularly the way that people on government relief felt shame and guilt over their own suffering and poverty, rather than blaming the capitalist system.

Mockingbird Graphic.

Studs Terkel Interview with Eileen Barthe

In this segment of an interview conducted by Studs Terkel, Eileen Barthe, a government relief case worker during the Great Depression, remembers an experience that caused a recipient of relief to face deep humiliation.

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