Sources | Facing History & Ourselves


Resources 5
Last Modified April 8, 2021
Teaching Strategy

News Article Analysis

Help students identify and analyze the key characteristics of the three most common types of news articles.

Students in library working on computers
Teaching Strategy

Relevant or Not?

Help students identify relevant evidence, and give them an opportunity to practice evidence selection with their peers and as a class.

Students discussing in pairs facing each other
Teaching Strategy

Analyzing Images

Lead students in a critical analysis of an image that enhances their observational, interpretive, and critical thinking skills.

Two students working together and looking at classwork
Teaching Strategy

Document Analysis Form

Use a graphic organizer to help students analyze a historical document and determine its perspective or bias.

A close up of a student writing on a piece of paper.
Teaching Strategy

Annotating and Paraphrasing Sources

Teach students to carefully read material by having them underline key words, write margin notes, and summarize main ideas.

Student highlights paper