Resistance during the Holocaust | Facing History & Ourselves

Resistance during the Holocaust

Resources 4
Last Modified April 8, 2021

Introduction to the Jewish Partisans

Former Jewish partisans discuss the goals, challenges, and personal motives of the Jews who resisted the Germans.


Jewish Partisans in the Resistance

Learn about the role that Jewish partisans played in resistance to the Holocaust in this brief introduction to the topic.


Resistance Is...

Israeli poet Haim Gouri and Monia Avrahami explore resistance during the Holocaust.


The Vilna Ghetto Manifesto

Read Abba Kovner’s treatise urging the Jews of the Vilna Ghetto to rise up and resist the Nazis.

Russian partisans, one of them photographer Faye Schulman, gathering together in the forest, Naliboki Forest, Belarus, December 1944. The Molotava Brigade was a partisan group made up mostly of escaped Soviet Army POWs. The woman pictured is Faye Schulman, a Jewish woman who fled into the Naliboki forest with her camera equipment and joined the Molotova Brigade. For two years in the forest she photographed the partisan's activities, worked as medical aid and participated in the partisans raid's.