World War I in Europe and the Middle East (en español) | Facing History & Ourselves

World War I in Europe and the Middle East (en español)

World War I was fought between the Central powers and the Allied powers simultaneously on several fronts in western Europe, eastern Europe, and the Middle East. See full-sized image for analysis. This resource is in Spanish.


  • History
  • Social Studies


Also available in:
English — US


This resource is intended for educators in the United States who are applying Spanish-language resources in the classroom.

La Primera Guerra Mundial en Europa y el Medio Oriente

La Primera Guerra Mundial en Europa y el Medio Oriente

La Primera Guerra Mundial se libró entre las potencias centrales y las potencias aliadas simultáneamente en varios frentes en Europa Occidental, Europa Oriental y el Medio Oriente. 

Facing History and Ourselves

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