Nazi Recruitment Propaganda (en español) | Facing History & Ourselves

Nazi Recruitment Propaganda (en español)

This mid-1930s poster says, “The NSDAP [Nazi Party] protects the people. Your fellow comrades need your advice and help, so join the local party organization". This resource is in Spanish.
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This resource is intended for educators in the United States who are applying Spanish-language resources in the classroom.

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poster copy


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English — US


  • History
  • Social Studies
  • The Holocaust
  • Propaganda

Propaganda de reclutamiento nazi

Propaganda de reclutamiento nazi

Este afiche de mediados de la década de los treinta dice: “El NSDAP [Partido Nazi] protege al pueblo. Sus camaradas copartidarios necesitan sus consejos y su ayuda, así que únanse a la organización local del partido”. 

Glasshouse Images / Alamy

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