The Changing Geography of the Ottoman Empire (1300–1920) (en español) | Facing History & Ourselves

The Changing Geography of the Ottoman Empire (1300–1920) (en español)

Maps showing the growth and contraction of territory controlled by the Ottoman Empire from 1300 through 1920. This resource is in Spanish.


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This resource is intended for educators in the United States who are applying Spanish-language resources in the classroom.

La transformación geográfica del Imperio Otomano (1300–1920)

Maps showing the growth and contraction of territory controlled by the Ottoman Empire from 1300 through 1920.

Ottoman Empire, 1300

This map shows the territory controlled by the Ottoman Empire in 1300.

Esemono / Wikimedia Commons

Ottoman Empire, 1520

This map shows the territory controlled by the Ottoman Empire in 1520.

Esemono / Wikimedia Commons

Ottoman Empire, 1683

This map shows the territory controlled by the Ottoman Empire in 1683.

Esemono / Wikimedia Commons

Ottoman Empire, 1798

This map shows the territory controlled by the Ottoman Empire in 1798.

Esemono / Wikimedia Commons

Ottoman Empire, 1912

This map shows the territory controlled by the Ottoman Empire in 1912.

Esemono / Wikimedia Commons

Ottoman Empire, 1920

This map shows the territory controlled by the Ottoman Empire in 1920.

Esemono / Wikimedia Commons

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